Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Most Romantic Wishes

背靠着背坐在地毯上 (back to back we sit on the floor to chat)
听听音乐聊聊愿望 (while listening to music we talk about wishes)
你希望我越来越温柔 (you wish that i will be more and more soft)
我希望你放我在心上 (i wish you will hold me in your heart)
你说想送我个浪漫的梦想 (you said you want to give me the most romantic wish)
谢谢我带你找到天堂 (to thanks me for making you feel like heaven)

哪怕用一辈子才能完成 (i'm afraid that it take a lifetime to complete my wish)
只要我讲你就记住不忘 (once i said, you must never forget)
我能想到最浪漫的事 (the most romantic wish i can think of is)
就是和你一起慢慢变老 (getting old together with you)
一路上收藏点点滴滴的欢笑 (collect all our happiness and laughter through the journey)
留到以后坐着摇椅慢慢聊 (until we are old and remember them as the sweetest memories)

我能想到最浪漫的事 (the most romantic wish i can think of is)
就是和你一起慢慢变老 (getting old together with you)
直到我们老的哪儿也去不了 (old till we cannot get anywhere)
你还依然把我当成手心里的宝(you will still hold me in your heart as the most beloved)

背靠着背坐在地毯上 (back to back we sit on the floor)
听听音乐聊聊愿望 (while listening to music we talk about wishes)
你希望我越来越温柔 (you wish that i will be more and more soft)
我希望你放我在心上 (i wish that you will always hold me in your heart)
你说想送我个浪漫的梦想 (you said that you want to give me the most romantic wish)
谢谢我带你找到天堂 (to thanks me for making you feel like heaven)

哪怕用一辈子才能完成 (i'm afraid that it will take a lifetime to complete)
只要我讲你就记住不忘 (once i say, you must to forget)
我能想到最浪漫的事 (the most romantic wish i can think of is to)
就是和你一起慢慢变老 (get old together with you)
一路上收藏点点滴滴的欢笑 (we keep all our happiness and laughter through out the journey)
留到以后坐着摇椅慢慢聊 (until future, we can still sit down together to talk about)

我能想到最浪漫的事 (the most romantic wish i can think of is)
就是和你一起慢慢变老 (to get old together with you)
直到我们老的哪儿也去不了 (old till we cannot go anywhere)
你还依然把我当成手心里的宝(you will still hold me in your heart as the most beloved)