Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Poem from Brian to Joanna

1997 Form Five Prom
Our first kiss was so hard to top
Your lips were soft and warm
In your arms I thought the world had stopped.

Life is made of perfect moments
And normally there are long gaps that go in between
But most of my perfect moments, I've spent with you
I'm the happiest that I've ever been.

And when you said Adieu
The thought of losing you was too much to bear
And then I realized how much I've wronged you
I truly realized just how much I care.

There are certain times in life,
When the right words just don't come along,
And it's hard to find the perfect rhyme,
Sometimes the line can just seem wrong.

We've had our hard years,
Life isn't a rose filled dream,
But we've toughed it through together,
Because we truly are a team.

I miss you, something in me has died,
It hurts me way deep inside,
I've cried my river wide
And then still, I've cried and cried.

I look after your memory,
Every day, I hold you close to my heart,
Because you are still part of our team
And you are the loving, happy and wonderful part.

I still love you with my heart,
I still love you with my soul,
I know indeed that we'll never part
But now I feel no longer whole.

I know you'll be my only partner
Even though the years have been hard
But I know we'll come through stronger
Though a little battle scarred

My best friend when I'm grey and old
My best friend for life
My best friend, a rare and precious jewel,
Treasured, and so very hard to find.

And somehow you found your way to me,
Thank you, oh winds of fate,
We may not have a fairy tale story
But I still love you, my soul-mate.

And one day, in 2010,
I know you'll be a great mother, and I the perfect dad
Because the moments I've spent with you have been perfect
They're the most perfect moments any one's ever had

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