Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Greatness of Hubby and Daddy

Brian, you have been a very supportive husband during my labour of our little princess. Although i was in pain for so long but i know that i will be fine as long as you are by my side. I would like to thank you for being there for me all the time.

Darling, you have also been very brave to witness the whole process of our little princess birth. I am very proud of you.

Thank you darling for everything.

We Love You....from Joanna and baby girl...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Super Mum @ Week 32

Super mum Joanna still looking good at week 32. *wink*

Friday, July 17, 2009

Migrating Out of Malaysia

It is heart-broken and disappointed to see blatant abuse of power by the government authorities such as the royal police force (PDRM), anti corruption commission (MACC) and even the Election Committee (EC). The latest being the tragic death of the political secretary to DAP in Selangor while under the custody of MACC to assist in an investigation. Corruption is at all time high and the country is run by “crooks”. I do not wish my children to grow up in such an environment. Seriously considering to migrate.

Monday, April 20, 2009

20th Apr: Joanna Ditched Her Hubby in Dubai Alone

Sigh... what a sad moment that i have to be stranded in Dubai ALONE for the next 10 to 12 months while my wife enjoying in Kuala Lumpur. She left on 20th April 2009 at 4.30 am flight leaving from Abu Dhabi. Some drastic changes are expected in my lifestyle...
-Wake up in the Morning ALONE
-Eat breakfast ALONE
-Drive to work and come back ALONE
-Cook and eat ALONE
-Do Groceries ALONE
-Do household Chores ALONE
-Watch TV/movies ALONE
-Go to Sleep ALONE


Our Home Sweet Home in Dubai

Discovery Gardens - Zen Building. We moved-in on 14th Feb '09. We planned to celebrate the Valentine at our new home but we were too exhausted with all the cleaning and shifting of stuff from Abu Dhabi to Dubai. Also, need to save some $$$ after spending a great deal on all the appliances and furniture. Oouch!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

My 13 weeks Pregnancy

I was so happy that i have finally cross over the first trimester which cause me terrible morning sickness. Too bad, I am now 13 weeks pregnant but i am still vomitting like nobody business. I vomit 14 to 17 times a day. Basically everything that i eat or drinks. I am pretty mad at myself and keep asking why i need to go through this kind of suffering.

I was browsing through a pregnancy book and i then realised i might be 1 in 500 women that will suffer terrible nausea and vomitting till delivery date. Doctor advised is that i need to go on drip but i swear to God that no drugs should come near me or my baby unless i am terribly ill.

There is no reprieve for me at all while it's so easy for everyone to say it'll be over before I know it, But no one can really know how it feel until someone is going through this.

I feel so depressed !!!!! I feel no joy at all for my pregnancy. I want to enjoy my journey as a mother to be like everyone else. God please help me....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Year of the Ox Child

yes Yes YES... we are going to have our baby this year, the year of the Ox. Expected due date is Oct 2009.... YAHOO!

Unclog the toilet with dishwashing liquid

We moved into our new home in Dubai 2 weeks ago. Everything went well until the toilet was clogged and i'm so frustrated. Did a quick search via google on "how to unclog the toilet" and surprise to find the following solutions with hundreds of positive feedback. Since it is already 11 pm and i cannot bear the sight of it, i decided to give it a try. IT WORKS!

1. Pour approx 300-500 ml of dish washing liquid into the toilet bowl.
2. Wait till the water level goes down a little, then pour a bucket of hot water from waist level into the toilet bowl and leave it for 10 mins.
3. You may need to repeat this 2 or 3 times but odds are that even the first or second time you’ll hear something starting to happen.

Sunday, January 4, 2009